A Brief Chronology of the Mysteries of Floreana Island

1927 - Norwegian community came to Floreana Island in response to William Beebe's book, Galapagos: World's End.

1929 - Dora Strauch and Dr. Friedrich Ritter came from Berlin with their respective spouses (Herr Koerwin and Fran Ritter)

September 1932 - Heinz, Margret and Harry (their 12 year old son) Wittmer family came to the island

November 1932 - Eliose Baroness Wagner de Bosquet (claiming she was from Austrian royalty) arrived with her 3 man retinue (Rudolf Lorez, Robert Philippson of Germany and Felipe Valdivieso of Ecuador)

January 1933 - Margret Wittmer gave birth to a son Rolf

March 1934 - drought hit the island; Baroness and Philippson disappear; Lorenz leaves on a boat and later is found dea on the beach at Marchessa Island

December 1934 - Dr. Ritter dies from eating spoiled chicken (in spite of being a vegetarian); Dora Strauch returns to Germany; Margret Wittmer continues to live on the island with son Rolf and daughter Floreanita and grandchildren